Wednesday, April 3, 2024

milKYY media syndicate ~ KYYboa: Matrix = Plagiatrix?

milKYY media syndicate ~ KYYboa: Matrix = Plagiatrix?: MATRIX was stolen and cobbled together from a denied and hidden source! (or sources?) What is the Truth?  We really should uncover it.   Here...

from youtube recently on next post June 12


Monday, August 28, 2023

Analyze Matrix Philosophy | Dispite Dispute of Original I.P. of Franchise

 We have to analyze the Philosophy of the Matrix movie Franchise, the screenplay, the brand.  Of course, this has been done already, many times over, by a diversity of cultural observers and critics.  But we own the rights to the true documentary, so this is the process which is our Duty and responsibility. 

Take this for example, which is a rather articulate analysis: 

We must make a comparison, between Matrix and Immortals, the older and originating script by Thomas Althouse.... 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Matrix Immortals lawsuit redux

 Check out this pack of lies and distortion. If you are wise,  figure out fact from fiction. 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Ahgamen keyboA_: Prediction | This will not end well

Ahgamen keyboA_: Prediction | This will not end well: Upon reaching the Summer night of excess riches overflowing, the Queen of the South emerges again! A Queen of antiquity rediscovered by her ...

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ kyyboA_: MATRIX Resurrections | Review

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ kyyboA_: MATRIX Resurrections | Review: Matrix Resurrections aka MATRIX4 Now that it has been released and the unprotected masses have been exposed to it, we can say WE TOLD YA SO....